Traceable Underground Gas and Liquid Fuel Tape
What is this tape for?
This tape is specifically designed for the plumbers and heating engineers within the trades that rely on placing uderground pipes of which want to avoid any damages and fissure to these pipes which may occur when excavating near by earth. The tape is full traceable from above the ground and does not degrade underground while burried.
What is difference to this than other underground tapes on the market?
The main difference is, and the one that everyone cares about on the offset is price! Ours is one of the only fully traceable tapes which is actually affordable while remainly flexible within physical tracers in the tape. Other tapes have physical wires to become traceable, while ours uses a special metalic material which has been tried and independantly tested to be traceable around 150mm to 300mm above the pipe that it is protecting.